#Partnerschaften und Frieden
Austausch und Vernetzung
Partnerschaft mit Kiew-Petschersk, Ukraine

Zwischen Wilmersdorf und Kiew-Petschersk besteht seit 1991 eine Städteparnterschaft.
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass uns Kateryna Rodynenko durch das Stipendienprogramm der Deutschen Wirtschaft für die Ukraine seit März 2020 als Praktikantin unterstützt.
Hier berichtet Kateryna über sich selbst und ihre Arbeit in der Stabsstelle BNE Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf:
„I began my three-month practice at Stabsstelle Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung on 1 March 2020. I hold a bachelor degree in Business Administration and in February 2020 I acquired my master diploma in Social Work in Ukraine.
Before beginning this new period of my life, I had also gained experience during several study trips and seminars that broadened my mindset and critical thinking ability. I would also say, it opened doors for new career opportunities. I worked as a school teacher and a teacher of Ukrainian language for refugees besides being an assistant for humanitarian and local non-profit healthcare projects in Kyiv during the past three years.
All these experiences made me interested in joining the GIZ program for Ukrainian students and graduates through doing my internship at Stabstelle Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung focusing on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Berlin district Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf.
Speaking three different languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English) besides German helps with the implementation of new projects in Kyiv-Pechersk. During my practice placement, I can deepen my knowledge on the current situation in Kyiv regarding urban gardening, zero waste, urban planning initiatives, as well as cultural organizations and initiatives that spread awareness on historical events in Ukraine. Besides that, I am joining regular meeting between the department for sustainable development and citizens in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf who are implementing the 17 SDGs locally. During my first month of practice for example, we discussed mobility and zero waste projects at a Gymnasium and a Volkshochschule. The practice helps me to gain a deeper understanding of the administrative work within the district as well as increases my knowledge which is useful for my future career in social services.”